2 min readOct 4, 2021


Back in May, GoodMatch teamed up with seven (7) Austin, Texas-based nonprofits to celebrate the launch of our App. At GoodMatch, we believe in the power of community-driven nonprofits and their ability to create lasting grassroots change. Over the next few weeks, we will be re-introducing you to the nonprofits that serve our city with integrity and forward-thinking!

Up next is Health Alliance for Austin Musicians!

Anyone who has been to Austin, Texas knows it’s a city bursting with aspiring musicians, and music is the heart and soul of our community. You can’t walk down the street without hearing live music from every restaurant, bar, or shop. Music is powerful, uplifts moods, and connects people in ways that words cannot, but what happens when a Musician needs to be uplifted? That’s where Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM) comes in!

In 2020, Covid-19 had a devastating impact on the livelihood of musicians leaving HAAM having to pivot to make sure their members were kept safe and healthy. According to their 2020 Annual Report, “HAAM historically has not provided basic needs or emergency assistance, we soon realized that without food, shelter and prescription medications, HAAM musicians would quickly see declines in health during the worst health crisis in living memory.”

Since 2005, HAAM has had the pleasure of helping nearly 6,000 low-income, working musicians gain access to affordable healthcare. HAAM, with the help of their donors, has raised over $98 Million in healthcare value to provide access to; dental work, doctor’s visits, prescriptions, psychiatric counseling sessions, eye exams, out-patient procedures, specialist referrals, hearing screenings, and more. But HAAM can’t do it alone, it needs the help of generous people within the community because tackling issues in healthcare can only be possible as a collective.

To make a donation, click here or if you’d like to learn about volunteer opportunities, click here.




We match volunteers and donors with community-led nonprofits that need your support.